La Culpa
Short films from the USA, UK, Spain and France
In this issue we bring you :
- Inspirational stories of filmmaking success
- Award-winning whole short films
- Interview with Jason LaMotte, director of the Irish short story adaptation, The Terms.
- Interview with French director Lewis-Martin Soucy and his 10 year journey to make his Spanish comedy Talking Dog For Sale, €10.
- The stories of Kristi Simkins, director of Something Special and David Victori, Spanish director of La Culpa.
The Terms – The Trailer (Special Jury Mention Tribeca Film Festival)
Some family feuds are easily settled – others require extreme terms.
Films & Interviews in this issue
- La Culpa, directed by David Victori
- Numbers, directed by Robert Hloz
- The Terms, directed by Jason LaMotte
- Talking Dog For Sale, €10, directed by Lewis-Martin Soucy
- Something Special, directed by Kristi L. Simkins